Thursday 10 July 2008

Living well

I haven't discovered yet how to face bad news.
I mean really bad news.
Like my dear friend, a girl of my age, having no hope to recover. Palliative care they've said. Her little 4-year old is to be an orphan.
Like my grandpa being badly ill.
Like my great-auntie having avoided death by 30 seconds - and 4 defibrillator shocks.
Like my friend's mum struggle to live her life without feeling depressed or guilty, 6 years after her daughter's murder.
But i know that i like to giggle and chat and drink and eat.
But i know that not being happy won't make any difference to what's inevitable.
A singer that i adore says: "I know i'm gonna die so my revenge is living well".
I don't know whether it's a revenge, a trick or THE answer, but it's worth giving it a go.


Mu said...

Il y a des jours ou il est plus difficile que d autres des heureux hein ? je vais passer quelques semaines a attendre les rts de la biopsie... entre temps je pense a toi, et aussitot que je serai heureuse, je posterai !!!

Bon courage ma belle Kiara !!!

kiara said...

Tiens moi bien au courant, hein ? x

Mu said...

Encore une semaine d'attente probablement avant les résultats alors je pars faire du camping (et boire du rosé - et toc).

Bisous et t'inquiète pas hein !


santhosh narayanan said...

its always nice to be like this. it make you to avoid tensions and stress. what will happen will happen so there should be no expectations and anticipations in life since they tend to reduce your joy, happiness. this is what my philosophy is. happy to get noticed about your blog