Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Back for good.

For some months i've been out of control.
Angry, annoyed, and beside myself.
I knew that getting myself off anti-depressants would be hard work and would involve some adjustments, but i didn't think i would feel like an angry teenager all over again - not at the grand old age of 31 !
Then more recently came the other feeling - the one that makes you want to plan your own car accident, because enough is enough. I didn't think i'd be suicidal ever again, and certainly not in the middle of the spring, when the trees have all turn green and the birds can't stop singing.
So today i took the only sensible step i could think of, and i went to see my doctor.
Because at the end of the day, there's no need to feel ashamed or defeated.
I'm back on Prozac.
And despite the prospect of feeling sick for the next 2 weeks, i've not been happier for months !!


Mu said...

Fiou, c'est difficile d'écrire après ce petit post ! Je vais essayer de me concocter un beau moment de bonheur aujourd'hui pour avoir un petit rayon de soleil à te faire lire !!!
Bisous, Kiara !

kiara said...

Ah mais, je suis vraiment contente tu sais - j'ai enfin réussi a me déculpabiliser, et à me dire que "rechuter" n'est pas si grave, et j'agis pour redevenir un peu plus équilibrée - et surtout mon humeur va se stabiliser, ouf !! :)